Finding auto parts for Russian carsFinding auto parts for Russian cars

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Finding auto parts for Russian cars

My wife is originally from Russia and she begged me to buy a Russian brand of car for her to drive. It was quite affordable to purchase, but it can be a challenge to find auto parts when we need to replace parts. I've gotten quite good at sourcing unusual auto parts quickly and I thought it might be useful to start a blog show my tips for searching unusual car parts, particularly for Russian car brands. I hope it will be handy for anyone looking for spare auto parts to repair their car, especially for foreign and less common brands.

3 Reasons To Install a Mobile Column Truck Lift in Your Auto Repair Shop

If you want to use your auto repair shop to work on heavier vehicles, such as trucks, then you might be thinking about installing a column lift. These lifts can hold heavier vehicles; they raise them above the ground so that your mechanics can work under them while still standing up.

While you can install a permanent lift, it might make more sense to go with a mobile option for the following reasons

1. You Don't Have Much Space

If you don't have much space in your garage, then working under vehicles can be a problem. You might not want to lose floor space to a pit. Even the smaller footprint of permanent column lifts might be too big for you.

If space is a problem, then a mobile column truck lift is a good solution. You put this kind of lift up when you need to work on a large vehicle. You can even set it up to work outdoors on fair weather days if you have space outside your shop. At the end of the job, you put the lift down and store it away. It won't take up much room when it is collapsed for storage.

2. You Don't Want To Do Any Groundwork

If you permanently fix a column truck lift to your shop floor, then you have to do some groundwork. At the very least, you'll have to fix the lift's column plates to the floor. In some cases, you have to dig out holes for column supports.

If you rent your garage, then you might not want to mess with its floor. You might have to fix any changes you make to it if you move out of the space in the future.

If you use a mobile lift, then you don't need to do any work to the floor. The lift sits on top of it and doesn't need intrusive support.

3. You Aren't Sure You Want To Use a Column Truck Lift

While a column truck lift might seem a good idea, you might not be sure if this is the right lifting solution for your jobs. You don't want to install a permanent solution only to find out that it isn't the right option down the line.

If you use a mobile lift, then you can check out how column lifting works for you. If you don't like this solution, you can sell the lift to someone else. If it does work for you, you can keep the mobile lift or switch to a permanent model.

To find out more about column truck lifts, contact your auto accessory supplier.